Ecco alcuni libri da cui si può partire sia per iniziare ad affrontare l'argomento della nutrizione a base vegetale, sia per affinare ed aggiornare le proprie conoscenze quando si hanno già delle basi in materia.

Il PiattoVeg
Questa guida descrive i principali gruppi alimentari, le loro proprietà, e dà indicazioni su quali cibi vegetali, e in che proporzione, far apparire nell'alimentazione quotidiana al fine di impostare una dieta ottimale, per vivere bene, con gusto, e facendo automaticamente prevenzione contro le più importanti malattie oggi diffuse.
Il libro contiene delle schede con menu di esempio settimanali per diversi fabbisogni calorici.
Disponibile anche il sito del PiattoVeg per un'anteprima, ricordando che rispetto al sito, sul libro si trovano molti più dati e approfondimenti.
di Luciana Baroni, Sonda 2015
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Il Piatto Veg_Mamy
La dieta vegetariana per la mamma e il suo piccolo: per dimostrare come un'alimentazione 100% vegetale sia la migliore anche nelle fasi della vita che comprendono gravidanza, allattamento, divezzamento.
Tutto quello che bisogna sapere per trarre benefici da una dieta 100% vegetale fin dal concepimento, per la mamma e il suo bambino, per tutta la durata della gravidanza fino a 1 anno di età.
di Luciana Baroni, Ilaria Fasan, Roberto Fraioli, Sonda 2015
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Il Piatto Veg Junior
Una guida adatta a tutta la famiglia che illustra i benefici di una dieta vegetariana, soprattutto nella variante 100% vegetale, fin dall’età pediatrica: il testo di riferimento più aggiornato perché bambini e ragazzi da 1 a 18 anni crescano sani e pieni di energia.
I pediatri e tutti coloro che si occupano professionalmente di alimentazione dell’età pediatrica la possono utilizzare per assistere al meglio i propri pazienti-clienti vegetariani, individualizzando i consigli e le raccomandazioni contenuti.
di Luciana Baroni, Ilaria Fasan, Sonda 2016
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Super cibi per la mente
Il dottor Neal Barnard, ricercatore impegnato nel campo della medicina preventiva, ha raccolto qui i risultati degli studi più recenti e ideato un programma rivoluzionario in 3 passi che può rafforzare la memoria e proteggere il cervello dalle malattie che possono colpirlo. L'autore insegna quali cibi privilegiare nella dieta e quali invece eliminare; descrive esercizi, fisici e mentali, e altre semplici scelte che rinforzano la memoria. Tutti i cibi consigliati sono naturalmente 100% vegetali.
di Neal D. Barnard, Sonda 2013
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L'alimentazione vegan nei bambini
- Indicazioni pratiche per lo svezzamento a cura della dott.ssa Luciana Baroni, medico nutrizionista, e della dott.ssa Ilaria Fasan, dietista esperta in nutrizione pediatrica.
- Ricette di pappe per lo svezzamento.
- Ricette invitanti per bambini da un anno in su.
- di Luciana Baroni, Ilaria Fasan, AgireOra Edizioni 2013
In inglese
Nutrition Guide for Clinicians - 2nd Edition
by The Physicians Committee for Resposible Medicine
This newly updated version of the Physicians Committee's comprehensive, portable medical reference manual covers nearly 100 diseases and conditions, including risk factors, diagnoses, and typical treatments. Most importantly, it provides the latest evidence-based information on nutrition's role in prevention and treatment. In addition, it describes helpful ways to talk with patients about dietary changes. Includes an in-depth examination of general nutrition, macronutrients, micronutrients, and nutritional requirements for all stages of life.
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Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Edition
by Brenda Davis, Vesanto Melina
If you are a health professional or a person who is looking for in-depth information, "Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Edition" provides the detail you are looking for. It sets the standard on vegan nutrition, with exhaustive analysis and full referencing. Internationally acclaimed vegan dietitians and speakers Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina present the latest findings on the health benefits of a vegan diet, expanded information on phytonutrients, and a thoroughly updated food guide.
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Healthy Eating for Life for Women
By Kristine Kieswer
Until now, to battle headaches, arthritis, or menstrual cramps, many women have needed fistfuls of over-the-counter remedies. Menopause has meant lifelong dependence on prescription hormones. Preventing cancer has meant yearly mammograms, and precious little else. These approaches are certainly useful, but they are also expensive, riddled with side effects, and, far too often, simply inadequate.
Through simple diet changes, headaches can become a thing of the past. Menopausal symptoms may never even start. And women can gain new power over the most common and problematic forms of cancer. Everything from improving fertility to erasing the signs of aging to managing osteoporosis, arthritis, and urinary tract infections, has been subjected to new methods of research and can now be dealt with more easily than ever. The answer, more often than not, lies in nourishing the body in new and healthy ways. It's a prescription women will be happy to fill.
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Healthy Eating for Life for Children
By Amy Lanou, Ph.D.
Nourishing growing children is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The foods we eat during pregnancy affect not only our child's development, but his or her health later in life. And the tastes babies learn early on will influence which foods they pull from the refrigerator as teenagers or pick from a menu in adulthood.
Children who learn to enjoy healthy foods have a tremendous asset. The right foods can help them stay slim and healthy, strengthen their immunity, reduce the risk of health problems as they age, and even boost their learning ability. It's easier than many of us might imagine. Healthy cooking and eating will soon be second nature for the entire family.
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Cancer Survivor's Guide - Foods that Help You Fight Back!
By Neal D. Barnard, Jennifer K. Reilly
Cancer Survivor's Guide will give you important insights into what researchers have proven: Food choices can help prevent cancer and, when cancer has been diagnosed, nutrition can improve survival. These links between diet and cancer are nothing short of dramatic. And now you can learn how certain dietary patterns help people diagnosed with cancer live longer, healthier lives.
The book provides comprehensive advice you can put to work right now. You'll have empowering information on how simple, everyday choices can improve your health and well-being.
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Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life
by Brendan Brazier
The thrive diet is a long-term eating plan to help all athletes (professional or not) develop a lean body, sharp mind, and everlasting energy. As one of the few professional athletes on a plant-based diet, Brendan Brazier researched and developed this easy-to-follow program to enhance his performance as an elite endurance competitor.
Brazier clearly describes the benefits of nutrient-rich foods in their natural state versus processed foods, and how to choose nutritionally efficient, stress-busting whole foods for maximum energy and health. Featuring a 12-week meal plan, over 100 allergen-free recipes with raw food options-including recipes for energy gels, sport drinks, and recovery foods-and a complementary exercise plan, The Thrive Diet is "an authoritative guide to outstanding performance" (Neal D. Barnard, M.D., Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine).
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